Women Tech Storm
Last modified at: 19-03-2018
From 10 to 12 May, Wikimedia Nederland organises the first Women Tech Storm.
This is an event in which women work together on the technology behind Wikimedia - the Wikimedia projects and the Mediawiki software which is used to run these projects. They offer interesting sessies and there ia mainly a lot of time to work together. Think of making useful spreadsheets and uploading large amounts of data, making Sparql queries or Python commands, building bots and other fun tools. You can find more about this here.
This event is specifically aimed at women. Women who already have some experience with software development but who are nog yet active within Wikimedia projects, and women who are already active within Wikimedia, but have little or no experience in development.
Are you interested in taking part? You can sign up here before April 9th!