Home Association Contact


You can contact via in many ways:


  • Board room: (020) 525 7880
    With this phone number you can call the board room of via. Use this for any general inquiries regarding our association.

  • Sponsorships: (020) 2619 904
    Are you interested in a cooperation with via? With this phone number you can call our committee of Acquisition, who will answer your questions about the possibilities.

Email addresses

  • bestuur@svia.nl
    You can turn to the board for general matters. You can send your email to this address or to one of the board members for the quickest response. These addresses are on the page of the board.

  • sponsoring@svia.nl
    The acquisition commissioner is on the board of via, and is the contact person for partners and sponsors. You can directly contact the commissioner for job openings, lectures and more. More information for companies can be found on the page information for companies.

KvK number: 34160464

Visitors address:
Kamer L0.04
Science Park 900 1098 XH Amsterdam

Postal address:
Studievereniging VIA
Postbus 94214
1090 GE Amsterdam