Hackathon ForeSea the Future
Last modified at: 19-12-2022
Do you want to engage with a never before compiled dataset? Have you always wondered about the vast blue ocean and the sea of data that it may hold? Do you want to show what data can hold for the future of our seas and how climate change may change the nature, management and industries of the seas? Now is your chance! On February 3 and 4, Wageningen Marine Research (WMR), part of Wageningen University and Research (WUR), is organizing the ‘ForeSea the Future Hackathon’ in collaboration with our partners Stichting de Noordzee and FarmHack. For 32 hours, WMR provides a maximum of 30 data enthusiasts with the chance to be submerged in the treacherous data waters of the North Sea. WMR has even compiled a data set specifically for this hackathon. The best part is: you get to borrow one of WMRs marine experts to help you navigate towards interesting questions. Consequently, the hackathon is open to anyone with the skills and interest to analyze, model and/or visualize data. A background in marine sciences is not necessary. Will your efforts uncover and show the depths of the North Sea?
Interested? You can find more information here. For further questions please feel free to contact WMR at ForeSea-Hack@wur.nl. You can also send an email with the subject ‘Update Me ForeSea’ to be the first to know any news and developments on the event as well as the registration date.