Update corona virus
Last modified at: 14-03-2020
Dear members,
Undoubtedly, you have already heard that the University of Amsterdam has decided that all teaching activities on locations are suspended with reference to the new corona virus. The university has decided that all education with physical contact will be suspended until March 31st. In contrast all bachelor and master projects, and other type of internships or projects of research institutes will continue. Logically the university also decided to cancel all activities, including those of study associations, for at least March.
For via this will imply that all events in March will be cancelled. The weekly drinks will also be suspended this month. The consequences remain to be unknown for now. As soon as they are known, they will be made public. All participants of cancelled events will be contacted.
De Kelder, our beautiful association room, will also be closed during this timeframe. All study spaces and libraries are also closed. During March there will be no space to study or relax at the UvA. We strongly advise against coming to one of the campuses of the University of Amsterdam.
All these points may have an effect on you as a student. The studies are busy with finding and learning possible alternatives to educate and have exams online. Undoubtedly, you will receive information of this as soon as possible of your programme directors and or teachers via email or Canvas. The Programme Committees will overlook this. Do you have any issues? Contact your programme committee. You can find their email addresses on the A/Z-list of your study, which you can find on website of the UvA.
For updated information about the corona policy of the UvA, we redirect you to uva.nl/coronavirus. For updated concering via, please have a look at svia.nl/coronavirus. If you have any questions, please email us on bestuur@svia.nl. The board shall stay active during this time and respond as soon as possible.
We expect to have more information to announce on Thursday March 19th.
Kind regards,
Board 20 of Study Association via