Home News Think with us about international collaboration

Think with us about international collaboration

Jet van den Eertwegh
Jet van den Eertwegh
Published at: 03-07-2024
Last modified at: 03-07-2024

Think with us about international collaboration

I would like to invite you to join the UvA this week to actively think through ethical and moral aspects of international scientific collaboration, in particular collaboration between the UvA and partners located in war zones or areas where human rights are being violated.

Events surrounding the catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the UvA's response to the war sparked a new discussion about the University's collaboration with third parties. The UvA academic community is divided on whether and how the UvA should respond in the context of collaborations with partners in countries or regions in conflict. Against this backdrop, it has become clear that the current Framework does not fully cater for decision-making on a number of important issues in international collaborations.

Following the current discussion, an academic working group is working on possible additions to the existing assessment framework. The working group invites the entire UvA academic community to respond to the initial reflections of the working group on a supplemental framework for international collaborations. All UvA students and staff can respond.

The feedback and input collected via DenkMee will be considered when finalising the working group advice to the Executive Board and Board of Deans in July 2024.

Click here to give your input! Please note that you can give your feedback until 5 July (this Friday).