Notice of new ict-coordinator, and applications party-coordinator open!
Last modified at: 25-04-2024
The application round for coordinator of the Party Committee is closed. Thank you for your interest!
There is movement again on the coordinator front. Namely, we have added a new coordinator 🥳, and one coordinator wants to hand over the baton 🥢
New ICT Coordinator: Thies Nieborg
Thies is going to be the new coordinator of the ICT Committee! This is the committee that takes care of all technical matters of via. Think for example of the via website and POS with which you pay for the delicious snacks in the basement. As coordinator, Thies will make sure that everything keeps running smoothly, work afternoons are organised, and that every feature request is answered with: "Do you want this? join the ICT Committee!".
We wish Thies the best of luck! 🍀
Coordinator Wanted: Party Committee
The party committee is the committee that throws the coolest parties in via 🥳 Think about the party during via week, and of course the gala 💃🏻. Organising a party involves a lot: arranging the location, music, decorations, promo and much more.
Froukje Lycklama à Nijeholt has managed all this in great ways for the past 1.5 years. As a result, we had a splashy feasting with sailors party 💦 and two romantic galas 💗 Thank you so much Froukje for your efforts, and good luck with your next ventures!
Like Froukje, do you enjoy managing this, and coordinating very beautiful parties? Then apply for coordinator of the party committee by emailing
We hope to see you at the interviews!