Home News Visit exec(ut) 2024!

Visit exec(ut) 2024!

Jet van den Eertwegh
Jet van den Eertwegh
Published at: 15-02-2024
Last modified at: 15-02-2024

Visit exec(ut) 2024! It's Sticky's (the computer science and information science study association from Utrecht) own IT conference, created by and for IT students. On 27 March 2024, 6 experts will bring fascinating IT talks, and you will have the chance to network with IT companies for internships or side jobs. Expect a day full of knowledge, free lunch, snacks, and to end the day: unlimited drinks with luxury snacks and cocktails. It will take place 27 March from 10:00-17:00 with subsequent drinks until 19:00 in Utrecht, stadium Galgenwaard. For more information or tickets, visit: execut.nl!