Home News New board!

New board!

Jet van den Eertwegh
Jet van den Eertwegh
Published at: 06-02-2024
Last modified at: 07-02-2024

On February 6th, during the board-change-GA, board 25 was voted in! The board consists of the following board members:

  • Chair: Naud Sluis
  • Secretary: Jet van den Eertwegh
  • Treasurer: Cas Steigstra
  • Vice Chair: Dave van Wijk
  • Commissioner of Education: Luuk Jonker

We thank board 24 for their efforts and look forward to succeeding them! Would you like to meet the new board? Then come and visit us in the association room!

from left to right: Luuk, Cas, Jet, Dave en Naud