Home News Ticket sale for the train and planetrip opens

Ticket sale for the train and planetrip opens

Sasha van der Linden
Sasha van der Linden
Published at: 04-12-2023
Last modified at: 04-12-2023

Ticket sales for the train and air trip will open on Tuesday, December 5 at 3 p.m.! Buy your ticket quickly, as it is on a first come first serve basis.

Seize this once in a lifetime opportunity to fly with 30 fellow students to the other side of the world. On this trip, we will visit not one but two cities. First we will spend two days in Lima after which we will move to high altitude: Cusco!

On this trip we will do a lot of (cultural) activities. For example, you can buy an extra ticket to join us on a day trip to one of the seven wonders of the world: the Machu Picchu! You won't want to miss this! Ticket sales will go through svia.nl/peru

Would you rather stay closer to home and do enjoy a fun trip to a city in Europe? Then join the train trip to Berlin! During this trip you can also earn 3 colloquium points because we will be visiting companies and universities. In addition, of course, there will be more than enough free time to explore the city on your own and experience the nightlife until late in the evening! Ticket sales will go through svia.nl/berlin