Crew wanted for the BAPC
Last modified at: 12-10-2023
On the 28th of October is the Benelux Algorithm Programming Contest (BAPC for short), this year via organizes this and is the organisation very busy with the preperations. To make sure the event is a success we need some crew memeber!
As a crew member of the BAPC it is possible to help settin up the event on the 26th or 27th of October. Or you could help at the event itself making sure everything runs smoothly. This consists of bringing prints to teams, making sure all the contest lights works, making sure that everyone is at the right place and making sure that everyone knows what they need to do. As a crew member there will of course be breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner! It will take place Crystal Tower at the headquarter Chipsoft.
Willing to help? Register here!