Home News ‘Meet the Master’ is looking for chaperons!

‘Meet the Master’ is looking for chaperons!

Thies Nieborg
Thies Nieborg
Published at: 21-09-2023
Last modified at: 21-09-2023

Are you interested in introducing future Master’s to student life at Science Park? Become a ‘Meet the Master’ chaperone!

During a ‘Meet the Master’ day, you accompany a potential student, share your experiences with the Master’s program, attend a class together, provide a faculty tour, and enjoy a coffee/ or tea with a snack. As compensation, you’ll receive €15.00 and a coffee voucher for both yourself and your visitor.

Intrigued? Send an email to meet-the-msc@uva.nl to register, or for any additional inquiries about ‘Meet the Master’!