Home News Open Lab Dutch Nao Team – Robot Football

Open Lab Dutch Nao Team – Robot Football

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Published at: 10-10-2022
Last modified at: 17-10-2022

On Thursday, October 20, from 11 AM to 1 PM, the Dutch Nao Team is hosting an Open Lab in the Robotics Lab (L0.01) in LAB42! The Dutch Nao Team is a group of undergraduate and graduate students who program humanoid robots to play autonomous football. They test their skills in annual competitions such as the Robocup. The team also engages in side activities such as giving demos and presentations, providing information to robot owners, coming up with topics for undergraduate theses and more.

To play football, you have to solve problems from different domains, such as computer vision, locomotion, behavior, code optimization and framework management. The languages you will use for this are C++, Python and Bash. Does this sound interesting to you? Then sign up for the Open Lab or email info@dutchnaoteam.nl for more information.

This activity is worth 1 colloquium point.