Home News Side job in education

Side job in education

Anonymized User
Anonymized User
Published at: 13-06-2022
Last modified at: 13-06-2022

Are you looking for a part-time job that not only allows you to earn money, but also to gain useful experience within your own field of study? A job where you can learn about working in secondary education, so that you can experience whether this career option is something for you? Then become a PAL (Personal Assistant Teacher) via the UvA / VU! You will work at least 4 hours per week and earn at least 12.50 euros per hour. There is still room for students who want to work as a PAL for various school subjects at schools in North-Holland or Flevoland. If you want more information or you want to apply, please visit www.palvoordeklas.nl or email pal@vu.nl.

This job requires proficiency in the Dutch language.