Home News New board!

New board!

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Anonymized User
Published at: 22-02-2022
Last modified at: 22-02-2022

On February 7th, during the board-change-GM, board 23 was voted in! The board consists of the following board members:

  • Chair: Pim Meulensteen
  • Secretary: Floor van de Leur
  • Treasurer: Charlotte Hoogteijling
  • Vice Chair: Rens Baas
  • Commissioner of Acquisition: Thomas Jurriaans
  • Commissioner of Education: Peter Soulard

We would like to thank board 22 for their commitment to the association! They have kept the association afloat during a crazy half year with too much corona and too few board members.

Board 23 is looking forward to the coming year - hopefully with as little COVID disruptions as possible. Would you like to meet the new board? Then come and visit us in the association room!