Board update week 3
Last modified at: 24-01-2022
Dear members,
It's time for the weekly board update (which actually doesn't appear weekly, as the last one was already two weeks ago). Recently, the candidate board has been taking over more and more tasks from the current board, in preparation for the board change that will take place on February 7th. At the next board meeting, the candidate-chair will be the chair of the meeting for the first time and the candidate-secretary will take minutes, while the current board sits back and drinks Club Mate. Still, the board has not been idle: Dylan and Felix, in fact, have been racing down snowy slopes during the via winter sports trip, with Felix hugging the mountain a little too enthusiastically. Björn has been busy wrapping up all the finances for the past financial year. Floor has been typing infinitely much in her role as both chair and candidate-secretary: mails, policy plans, mails, annual reports and mails have been her main occupations.
We also want to take this moment to talk (yes, again) about omicron. The government has announced that on-campus teaching is allowed again, but the UvA has decided to keep most of the classes online in block 3. As a result, our beloved Science Park is still largely empty and so the Kelder remains closed as well. If all goes well, we will welcome you back on the first day of block 4 with fresh coffee, tea and snacks. We hope that you can make it through another two weeks and that we will see you all back in good health in the second semester!
Much love,
On behalf of the board and the candidate board,