Board update week 43
Last modified at: 02-11-2021
Dear members,
It has been more than a week since our policy plan was approved by the General Assembly. One of our policy points is that we’d like to keep you all more in the loop about what is going on in our association. Therefore the board will write a (hopefully) weekly update about what we did that week. Whether it is something fun, exciting or maybe something less enjoyable. This is the board update for week 43.
During the past weeks we have been planning activities for those who are interested in joining board 23, together with the Board Advisory Committee (BaCo) and the Interview Committee. The first activities have already taken place: the BaCo has conversed with a few interested people, and the board has given a presentation and held speeddates at the Board Interest Evening. We’re also busy conducting our monthly meetings between the board and the committee coordinators, in order for us to be aware of what’s going on within the committees.
Our personal highlights from the past week:
Floor has been interviewed by! Every month they put a company in the spotlight, but our book sale in August raised their interest. Soon will thus have their first study association in the spotlight!
Felix is speaking to our faculty about the possibilities for a social introduction for the first and second year students, to replace the traditional first year’s barbeque that had to be canceled due to COVID.
Dylan visited a possible location for our gala in December!
Björn has been paying bills. Not very fun, but very useful nonetheless.
That’s it for our first board update. What would you like to read about in future updates? Let us know!