Home News No end of year barbecue

No end of year barbecue

Mick Vermeulen
Mick Vermeulen
Published at: 21-06-2021
Last modified at: 21-06-2021

Sadly the barbecue committee has decided that this year there will again be no end of year barbecue. Until the very last second we’ve tried to organise an event that would both fit within the current COVID regulations along with the expectations that come with the end of year barbecue but as of now we don’t yet see an opportunity to organise this massive and fun event. Although we are incredibly happy with our virtual event: the spring barbecue, we don’t believe we can transfer the atmosphere and fun of an end of year barbecue in an online event (especially in this heat!). This has led to the decision to yet again cancel the event.

There’s light at the end of the tunnel though: the COVID numbers in The Netherlands are on the right track, which is great news for a committee like ours! Over the past two years we’ve come up with tons of fun ideas for upcoming barbecues and hope to present them to you after the summer break. For now this is a bitter pill to swallow but the future is getting increasingly brighter! We can’t wait to drink, grill and party with you again under the relentless sun.

Much love,
On behalf of the barbecue committee,