PROG-A-THON has started!
Last modified at: 20-09-2017
The second edition of the PROG-A-THON has just started! We have started by releasing 9 exercises online. After this, some challenges will be posted in the second and third week. But watch out: in the third week, the score board will be frozen so you can't keep an eye on the competition! This year, we don't have one or two, but no less than three prices:
Number 3 wins the book 'Competitive Programming 3'
Number 2 wins a Google Chromecast
The price for number 1 is a Nintendo 2DS with Mario Kart!
This competition is organized by the competition committee, so you can start practicing for the Benelux Algorithm Programming Contest (BAPC) this fall. The preliminaries will also be hosted at the UvA, so start programming and try to win some prices there! The main BAPC rounds will also be organized by via - so there's no reason not to participate!
More info here
The compettion can be found here