Home News No board, your help is needed

No board, your help is needed

Dimitry Grootenboer
Dimitry Grootenboer
Published at: 01-06-2021
Last modified at: 01-06-2021

In recent months, many of us have put effort into finding our next board. Yet now, more than ever, we need your help. Last week the candidates had the time to apply. From more than enough interested candidates for a full board, only Felix and I reapplied in the end. That is not enough to form a board and so there is currently no prospect for a board 22.

This news is a huge downer. In recent weeks, our association has shown its best side. The board advisory committee, the application committee and board 21 have done everything they can. In addition, we have been able to count on help from many of you. I am incredibly proud of the personal approach in this and I know that no one has skipped a beat in this process. To the application committee, board advisory committee, my fellow board members and of course everyone who has contributed; thank you.

The fact that no beat has been missed in this process unfortunately makes the problem even bigger and more painful. Our association cannot survive without a board. We need at least three board members. We, as a board, can not get to more than two people. We need your help now. It looks like the next board year will be six months again. In these six months we will all have to keep our association running. Do you have an idea on how we can divide the tasks? Do you maybe want to take on some tasks? Or would you like to join the board part-time for half a year? Let us know now. All help is needed. Without you, we cannot open after Corona and our lustrum year won’t be able to start.

If all this raises questions for you or if you can help, send an email to voorzitter@svia.nl or send me a message on Telegram!

Thanks in advance for your help,


Dimitry Grootenboer
Chairman of the board 21