University Self-test
Last modified at: 10-05-2021
From now on every student in higher education has the right to one self-test per week. You can request your self-test at zelftestonderwijs.
Why self-test?
By providing every student and employee free self-tests, infections can be detected quickly. Students often do not suffer from infections themselves but may therefore infect others without even knowing. The use of these preventive self-tests may lead to infection being detected (earlier), preventing the virus from spreading further unnoticed. This can have a positive effect on the epidemiological situation. In this way – by using self-tests – students can be part of the solution to combat the pandemic. And it may be possible to offer more perspective for education more quickly.
How does the self-test work?
A self-test is an antigen test that you carry out yourself. You remove slime from your nose and immediately analyse it yourself. Watch the self-test tutorial video for a detailed explanation.
See here for more questions.