Home News A day in the life of a board member

A day in the life of a board member

Eva Oostenbrink
Eva Oostenbrink
Published at: 23-09-2020
Last modified at: 28-09-2020

Does a board year seem appealing to you, but you don't know what each board member does exactly? Or do you have a certain function in mind and would you like to get a better idea of what that function entails? Then come and join us by joining a board member for a few hours during their work day. They can show you what a day entails and explain what they do so you can get a good idea of the responsibilities of the board member. You can also ask as many questions as you want during this time.

Would you like to know more? Send an email to voorzitter@svia.nl or a direct message to me (Eva) with the function(s) you want to get to know more about. Of course you can also contact the board member you want to walk with directly.