Study association Cognito presents: Symposium ‘Brain Bytes: Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, and beyond’!
Last modified at: 12-05-2020
Cognito is very happy to present to you their Symposium ‘Brain Bytes: Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, and beyond’!
Four exciting speakers will present you with their most recent, cutting-edge research. The Symposium will take place Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th of May, 17:30 - 19:30 via Zoom.
The event is free but in order to keep the quality of the presentation high, attendance will be capped at 80 participants, with registration necessary through this link.
Wednesday 27/05/2020:
Dr. Dong Nguyen (Utrecht University): “Wht do u mean? Towards learning representations of social meaning”
Dr. Abdallah El Ali (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica - CWI): “Temporal Challenges in Eliciting, Capturing, and Predicting Human Emotions”
Thursday 28/05/2020:
Dr. Maryam Alimardani (Tilburg University): “Brain-computer interfaces for enhanced human-robot interaction”
Dr. Chris Janssen (Utrecht University): “Interrupted by Automation? How social and cognitive science can inform the design of better human-automation interaction”
Check out the Facebook event here, and reserve a spot ASAP!