Home News The UvA is looking for a new central student assessor

The UvA is looking for a new central student assessor

Rachel de Haan
Rachel de Haan
Published at: 16-03-2020
Last modified at: 16-03-2020

Are you the UvA student who's gonna make a difference?

The Executive Board of the University of Amsterdam is looking for a student assessor for the academic year 2020-2021.

After the Maagdenhuis occupation in 2015, a central student assessor has been appointed. The student assessor attends the meetings of the Executive Board and advises the Board on education and student-related themes. The assessor is in close contact with Central Student Council and other groups in the student community to keep in touch with what is going on among students. The assessor has no role in formal decision-making and therefore has no right of advice or consent.

You can find more information here.