Join the UvA innovation workshop [10-12-2019]
Published at: 29-10-2019
Last modified at: 29-10-2019
Last modified at: 29-10-2019
Are you creative and curious how to expand your knowledge, and do you want to improve the world? Do you like to learn and solve complex problems in an international context? Then you should participate in the UvA Innovation Workshop on Design thinking! The two winning teams get a fully paid trip to the International Innovation Bootcamp (20-24 April) in Lublin, Poland. In the workshop you will work in a team of students on the challenge of how to combine science, art and humanities to improve UvA education. You will use the innovation approach called Design thinking.
Find more info on the UvA Innovation Workshop here Date: Tuesday 10 December 2019, 13:00-17:00 (pizza afterwards!) Apply through this form!