TA's wanted for Innovation Workshop
Last modified at: 14-10-2019
The UvA is taking part in a European Erasmus project. This project is mainly designed for the master Information Systems, but is also interesting for other masters. The UvA is responsible for creating the didactic materials for an international student workshop in Lublin (Poland) in April 2020. The UvA can send 8 students to this workshop. To determine which students will go to Poland, the UvA will organise an innovation bootcamp for UvA students, from which the winners (2 teams of 4 students) will go to Lublin, expenses paid.
To exectute this, the UvA needs to teaching assistants.
The assistants will find 5 teams of 4 students that want to participate in the workshop; be present at the workshop and make sure the selected 8 students will be on the right track and up to speed with all information regarding the international workshop in Lublin. If the assistants are interested, they may choose to participate on one of the teams.
The assistants will receivce one day's payment a week, for six weeks.
More information can be found here. If you're interested or have any questions, you can send a mail to André Nusselder: a.c.nusselder@uva.nl