Vote for the Student Council!
Last modified at: 17-05-2019
The student council elections are being held this week (13-17 May)! You can vote for parties on a central and faculty level. The faculty parties are Lief, Slaafs and Red UvA. On a central level, you can vote for UvA Sociaal, De Vrije Student, Red UvA and Slaafs. You can vote on Don’t know who to vote for? Go to But why would you vote for the the student council. The council is in contact with both the students and the board of UvA all year long. When the dean or the CVB need input from students, they come to the council for help. Think about more study places, an extra week of holiday, sustainability, the contents of study guides and more. Do you have an opinion about any of these topics? If so, vote at!