Home News A "Brave" New World - How big data leads to conformism and self censorship [12-04-19]

A "Brave" New World - How big data leads to conformism and self censorship [12-04-19]

Ferdi Zwamborn
Ferdi Zwamborn
Published at: 09-04-2019
Last modified at: 09-04-2019

Big data can be seen as all data that is collected from us. But did you know that your data gives you a social reputation, which can give you a high or a low rating? Did you know this social rating can influence your chances on a job, mortgage or insurance? During this evening we will look at the ways companies gather data about us and use this data to decide if we have access to certain services and utilities. Furthermore, we ask the question: How does this affect our behaviour?
What do you do when you know that your data influences your chances in life? Do you become more careful? More well behaved? We will talk with: Tijmen Schep: Als tech critic and privacy designer, Schep talks a lot about the world behind big data, how this harms our privacy and what the possible consequences are; Eva van Broek: As behavioral economist and founder of Behavioral Insights, Eva studies the impact big data has on our behaviour and designs interventions to combine science and practice; Frank de Beun: Als general director of EDM, de Beun is an expert on database marketing.

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