Fraudecafé | Datascience and the detection of delinquent behaviour
Last modified at: 29-10-2018
[This event will be in Dutch]
On the 15th of November the IFFC organises the Fraudecafé ‘Datascience and the detection of delinquent behaviour’ (Dutch speakers), in association with SAS Netherlands. This event is for those interested in how datascience can help with the detection of anomalies in behaviour and how these could indicate fraud and other misconducts.
Based on experiences and examples we see if specific and efficient data research can help within the detection of fraudulent acts. Speakers include; Jerome Bryssinck (Director of Government Fraud Solutions, Advanced Analytics Business Unit, EMEA & Ap at SAS Institute), Hoki Fo (Manager DIV, ICT, RO, Wabo and Big Data in Heusden), Eugene van Kampen (Presealses Leader Fraud Solutions at SAS Instiute), and Ivo van den Berg (Manager Business Intelligence and Analytics at DSW Zorgverzekeraar).
Datascience within the field of fraud investigation is aimed at not only detecting fraud but also preventing it. This fraudcafé is a must-go to for everyone with an interest in fraud and the application of datascience as investigation tactic!
The event starts at 15.00 in Huizen (SAS Institute) and you can join here.
For more information please look at the website.