

The following programming languages are allowed for submissions:

  • C (gcc 13.2.0)
  • C++ (g++ 13.2.0)
  • Python3 (3.10.14) (pypy3 7.3.17)
  • Java (openjdk 21.0.5)

Input/output Your program should read the data from standard input, solve the problem specified in the statement, and print the results to standard output (unless otherwise specified).

See this file for an example.

Conditions for participation

This PROG-A-THON is based on trust. An important condition for participation is that you program you own solutions, do not copy online solutions and do not try to sabotage the system. If you nevertheless perform one of these actions, you will be excluded from the contest.

You can only compete for the prizes of you are a via member and are a student at the UvA. You can however of course always participate for fun.

Rules for determining the winner

  • The score is calculated based on the number of solved exercises. Every solved question yields 1 point.
  • If the end score between two or more participants is the same, the winner will be determined by looking at the lowest cumulative time.
  • For every wrong solution (wrong answer, time limit exceeded, run time error), a penalty of 2 hours in time is added to your score. This score is only taken into account if you do manage to solve this problem in a later solution.

The first, second and third prizes will be given to the three people who have the highest scores according to this calculation. The person who finishes in first place may choose one of these three prizes first. The person who finished second can choose from two prizes. The third person has no choice in prizes.

The first-year prize will be given to the highest scoring first-year student (see conditions at the bottom) who has not already won another prize.

In case of doubt about any matter concerning the PROG-A-THON, the committee decides about the outcome.

First Year Prize Eligibility

To be eligible for the first-year prize, you must be a first-year bachelor student. In addition, this should also be the first year in which you are following a university study in the direction of information sciences.